Tanya Guide & Overview

Chosen as an infant from Outworld's first-born daughters, Tanya was raised by the Umgadi's priestesses. She's never known her birth family.
As she grew older and saw other initiates wash out, Tanya feared that she would share their fate. But that fear spurred success; after many attempts, Tanya passed her trials and became a full Umgadi.
Over time, Tanya became one of the order's most trusted members. She was the obvious choice when it needed to choose a new leader for the royal family's personal guard.
As an Umgadi, Tanya is sworn to piety and chastity. That is why her bond with Princess Mileena, were it known, would cause a scandal. By following her heart, Tanya risks not only her position but also her life.

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How to play Tanya

Full Movelist

Facing Right


Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox
(Close) Helping Hands D B B 3 DownbackbackFront Kick DownbackbackFront Kick DownbackbackFront Kick
Easy Fatality BL + 3 Block+Front Kick Block+Front Kick Block+Front Kick
(Close/Mid) Tanya Fatality 2 B F D 2 backForwardDownBack Punch backForwardDownBack Punch backForwardDownBack Punch

Basic Moves

Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox Damage Hit Range
Closed Fist 1 Front Punch Front Punch Front Punch 20 High
Active Threat 1 2 Front PunchBack Punch Front PunchBack Punch Front PunchBack Punch 30 Mid
Piety 1 2 2 Front PunchBack PunchBack Punch Front PunchBack PunchBack Punch Front PunchBack PunchBack Punch 70 Mid
Righteous Chop D 1 DownFront Punch DownFront Punch DownFront Punch 20 Mid
Crossed Cudgel 2 Back Punch Back Punch Back Punch 30 High
Wraparound 2 1 + 3 Back PunchFront Punch+Front Kick Back PunchFront Punch+Front Kick Back PunchFront Punch+Front Kick 80 High
Sidewinder F 2 ForwardBack Punch ForwardBack Punch ForwardBack Punch 30 Mid
Karma F 2 1 1 ForwardBack PunchFront PunchFront Punch ForwardBack PunchFront PunchFront Punch ForwardBack PunchFront PunchFront Punch N/A N/A
Devoted Follower F 2 1 1 2 ForwardBack PunchFront PunchFront PunchBack Punch ForwardBack PunchFront PunchFront PunchBack Punch ForwardBack PunchFront PunchFront PunchBack Punch 5 Overhead
Boomerpain B 2 backBack Punch backBack Punch backBack Punch 55.5 High
Message From Above B 2 3 backBack PunchFront Kick backBack PunchFront Kick backBack PunchFront Kick 77.5 High
Answer B 2 4 backBack PunchBack Kick backBack PunchBack Kick backBack PunchBack Kick 96.5 Mid
Cudgel Strike D 2 DownBack Punch DownBack Punch DownBack Punch 140 High
Branching Out 3 Front Kick Front Kick Front Kick 50 High
Brought Low + + + + 70 Low
Crossed Kick B 3 backFront Kick backFront Kick backFront Kick 30 Low
Whirlwinder B 3 4 4 backFront KickBack KickBack Kick backFront KickBack KickBack Kick backFront KickBack KickBack Kick N/A N/A
Kneeling Strike D 3 DownFront Kick DownFront Kick DownFront Kick 20 Low
Rise And Shine 4 Back Kick Back Kick Back Kick 70 High
Prayer Circle B 4 backBack Kick backBack Kick backBack Kick 70 Low
Roundhouse F 4 ForwardBack Kick ForwardBack Kick ForwardBack Kick 70 High
Sweeping Charge D 4 DownBack Kick DownBack Kick DownBack Kick 30 Low

Aerial Moves

Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox Damage Hit Range
Divine Touch (AIR) 1 AIRFront Punch AIRFront Punch AIRFront Punch 50 Mid
Followed Ways (AIR) 1 2 AIRFront PunchBack Punch AIRFront PunchBack Punch AIRFront PunchBack Punch 30 Overhead
Praise The Sun God (AIR) 1 2 4 AIRFront PunchBack PunchBack Kick AIRFront PunchBack PunchBack Kick AIRFront PunchBack PunchBack Kick 70 Overhead
Farsight (AIR) 1 3 AIRFront PunchFront Kick AIRFront PunchFront Kick AIRFront PunchFront Kick 30 Overhead
Reaching Out (AIR) 1 3 3 AIRFront PunchFront KickFront Kick AIRFront PunchFront KickFront Kick AIRFront PunchFront KickFront Kick 115.5 Overhead
Gather Round (AIR) 2 AIRBack Punch AIRBack Punch AIRBack Punch 55.5 Overhead
Heavy Heel (AIR) 3 OR (AIR) 4 AIRFront KickORAIRBack Kick AIRFront KickORAIRBack Kick AIRFront KickORAIRBack Kick 70 Mid

Special Moves

Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox Damage Hit Range
Heavenly Hands D F 1 DownForwardFront Punch DownForwardFront Punch DownForwardFront Punch 60 High
Enhanced Heavenly Hands D F 1 + BL DownForwardFront Punch+Block DownForwardFront Punch+Block DownForwardFront Punch+Block 90 Mid
(Air) Heavenly Hands (AIR) D F 1 AIRDownForwardFront Punch AIRDownForwardFront Punch AIRDownForwardFront Punch 60 Mid
(Air) Enhanced Heavenly Hands (AIR) D F 1 + BL AIRDownForwardFront Punch+Block AIRDownForwardFront Punch+Block AIRDownForwardFront Punch+Block 80 Mid
Seeking Guidance D F 3 DownForwardFront Kick DownForwardFront Kick DownForwardFront Kick N/A N/A
Seeking Guidance Delay D F 3 (HOLD) DownForwardFront Kick(hold) DownForwardFront Kick(hold) DownForwardFront Kick(hold) N/A N/A
Enhanced Seeking Guidance D F 3 + BL DownForwardFront Kick+Block DownForwardFront Kick+Block DownForwardFront Kick+Block N/A N/A
Umgadi Dodge 2 GUIDANCE D F 3 2 GUIDANCEDownForwardFront Kick 2 GUIDANCEDownForwardFront Kick 2 GUIDANCEDownForwardFront Kick N/A N/A
Enhanced Umgadi Dodge 2 GUIDANCE D F 3 + BL 2 GUIDANCEDownForwardFront Kick+Block 2 GUIDANCEDownForwardFront Kick+Block 2 GUIDANCEDownForwardFront Kick+Block 60 High
Divine Protection D B 3 DownbackFront Kick DownbackFront Kick DownbackFront Kick N/A N/A
Divine Protection Delay D B 3 (HOLD) DownbackFront Kick(hold) DownbackFront Kick(hold) DownbackFront Kick(hold) N/A N/A
Enhanced Divine Protection D B 3 + BL DownbackFront Kick+Block DownbackFront Kick+Block DownbackFront Kick+Block N/A N/A
Deity Push D B 3 (HOLD) B DownbackFront Kick(hold)back DownbackFront Kick(hold)back DownbackFront Kick(hold)back N/A N/A
Enhanced Deity Push D B 3 (HOLD) + BL B DownbackFront Kick(hold)+Blockback DownbackFront Kick(hold)+Blockback DownbackFront Kick(hold)+Blockback N/A N/A
Umgadi Evade D B 3 (HOLD) F DownbackFront Kick(hold)Forward DownbackFront Kick(hold)Forward DownbackFront Kick(hold)Forward N/A N/A
Enhanced Umgadi Evade D B 3 (HOLD) + BL F DownbackFront Kick(hold)+BlockForward DownbackFront Kick(hold)+BlockForward DownbackFront Kick(hold)+BlockForward 60 High
Drill Kick B F 4 backForwardBack Kick backForwardBack Kick backForwardBack Kick 70 Mid
Enhanced Drill Kick B F 4 + BL backForwardBack Kick+Block backForwardBack Kick+Block backForwardBack Kick+Block 70 Mid
Spinning Splits Kick D B 4 DownbackBack Kick DownbackBack Kick DownbackBack Kick 82.77 Mid
Enhanced Spinning Splits Kick D B 4 + BL DownbackBack Kick+Block DownbackBack Kick+Block DownbackBack Kick+Block 112.95 Mid
(Air) Spinning Splits Kick (AIR) D B 4 AIRDownbackBack Kick AIRDownbackBack Kick AIRDownbackBack Kick 82.77 High
(Air) Enhanced Spinning Splits Kick (AIR) D B 4 + BL AIRDownbackBack Kick+Block AIRDownbackBack Kick+Block AIRDownbackBack Kick+Block 112.95 High


Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox Damage
Shove F TH OR F 1 + 3 ForwardThrowORForwardFront Punch+Front Kick ForwardThrowORForwardFront Punch+Front Kick ForwardThrowORForwardFront Punch+Front Kick 130
Descendant Blows TH OR 1 + 3 ThrowORFront Punch+Front Kick ThrowORFront Punch+Front Kick ThrowORFront Punch+Front Kick 110

Fatal Blow

Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox Damage HitRange
100 Hands FL + BL Flip Stance+Block Flip Stance+Block Flip Stance+Block 350 Mid


Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox
Kombo Breaker F BL ForwardBlock ForwardBlock ForwardBlock


Name Input Universal PS5 Xbox
The Klassic D 2 DownBack Punch DownBack Punch DownBack Punch

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